Price is for a set to mount one seat. You can purchase an additional set to mount a passenger seat. The brackets are the same for both driver and passenger.

100% Bolt in seat mount. The first complete bolt in setup to mount your Kirkey drag seat to your floor.

The brackets will bolt into your Mustang and allow you to run anywhere from a 15″ to a 20″ Kirkey drag seat without having to fabricate custom mounts.

Made of thick 3/16″ 5052 series aluminum, designed with extra gussets for strength and durability. These are lightweight and very strong. Weighing in at less than 6 lbs per seat!

They are fully adjustable for seat position forward and back as well as some height adjustment. Once you have the rear seat holes drilled you can tilt the seat to find the angle of layback you like and drill the front holes and you are done!

If you have ever made seat mounts for a drag car you will understand how much time this will save you.

You will still need to secure the rear of the seat to your roll bar or cage harness bar per NHRA rules. We are working on a bolt in solution for that as well.

FatFab 2005-14 Mustang Kirkey Bolt In Seat Mounts

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